Monday, October 12, 2009

Create More Powerful & Dynamic PowerPoint Presentations with Dual Screens

Get better results faster with your PowerPoint Presentation.

Whether you use a dual monitor video card or a dual monitor adapter, your going to benefit by upgrading your system to support a dual monitor display at the least.

Make PowerPoint Presentations easier with dual monitors by enabling the Presenter View.

Enabling the Presenter View allows you to view notes and other information to help you while you're giving the presentation. The audience sees the slide show while you view notes and upcoming slides.

Add a couple inexpensive add-ons to PowerPoint, and get even more use out of PowerPoint and Multiple Displays. Check out programs like PowerViewer and Sunday Star to display multiple PowerPoint presentations at once. Turn powerPoint into a program for displaying your multiple monitor display wall. Mirror Mode gives the option to show the same presentation on two or more monitors. Using a technique such as Mirroring would be ideal in large rooms where it might not be easy for all viewers to see a single display.

Before you can turn on the dual monitor setup (sometimes called multiple monitor support), you must have the proper hardware installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Dual monitor support is available for desktop computers running Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or later, and laptop computers running Microsoft Windows XP.

  1. If Control Panel is not already visible, click the Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click the Display icon.

  2. On the Settings tab, select the monitor icon for the presenter's monitor (usually 1), and then select the Use this device as the primary monitor check box.If this check box is selected and unavailable, the monitor is already designated as the primary monitor. Only one monitor can be selected as the primary monitor at a time. When you select a different monitor icon and complete step 2, this setting for the previous monitor is automatically cleared and becomes accessible again.

  3. Select the secondary monitor icon, and then select the Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor check box.


  • You can only show the presenter view on one monitor and run the slide show from the other monitor.

  • Your computer may have the capability to support multiple monitors, but PowerPoint supports the use of two for a slide show.

  • You can turn off dual monitor support by selecting the second monitor and then clearing the Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor check box.

Check out How to design a trading computer.