Add Monitors and be More Efficient
You've probably noticed that everywhere you looks these days you hear something about going green. Whether it be in the news, politics, fashion, and even technology, as well as a Planet Green TV network, you can hardly escape the growing pressure to relieve some of the carbon footprint that we all tend to leave behind.
That may be all great and dandy in the eyes of those tree loving people who so heroically take on the world upon their shoulders. It can be so easy to get caught up in all the quotidian stuff- switching to organic foods, turning down the thermostat (in the winter!), to recycling which has been said to put even more dangerous pollutants in the air that weren't previously there.
Thankfully a few good men got together and figured out a way we could save time and energy, while we are doing our thing on the computer. Over 1.6 billion of us are surfing the web, trying to get more done than ever before. Well, I have got some news for you. Now we can increase efficiency and decrease energy consumption at the same time.
Imagine all the tasks you may be challenged to complete, on your PC that is. Take into consideration the time it would take to do all those tasks. During that time, your PC is using energy. If we can decrease the time needed to complete those all but necessary everyday tasks on that damned computer, we would also save energy . So how can we make your PC more productive while it's in use, so there can be less time spent on the computer?
We will start by visiting our multiple monitor hero's at SUPER PC. They have a multiple monitor computer that does the trick, and looks good doing it with their easy as pie dual monitor setup. It's called the Nuclear Workstation. Kind of has a ring to it, doesn't it. New Clean Air, fits right in there.
It's ready to support dual screen monitors right out of the box. The dual monitor computer is standard, however you can upgrade to as many monitors as you want. Up to 24 really, but you can choose many uprades if you wish. The more computer monitors the better.
Base model includes:
2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo(Dual Core)
4GB of DDR2 PC6400(800Mhz)
Dual Layer DVD Burner/Drive
Vista Home
500GB SATA 7200 RPM Drive
512MB GDDR2 ATI Radeon 3650 dual monitor video card
You will quickly learn that mulitple monitors are better. Saves time, and that's money. Save money and you save energy. Saving energy makes the whole world a better place for us all and our grand kids too.
So quickly as you can and get more computer monitors. If you can't afford a new computer get a dual monitor adapter.
Check out my last blog on extending your taskbar across multiple monitors.